No. 341 Banyadala Road
Tamwe Township

Number of Girl Guides in 2018
Associate Member
Girls only
1. To do my duty to my religion and my country, 2. To help other people at all times, and 3. To obey the Guide Law
Guide Law
- A Guide’s honour is to be trusted.
- A Guide is loyal.
- A Guide’s duty is to be useful and help others.
- A Guide is a friend to all.
- A Guide is courteous.
- A Guide is a friend to animals.
- A Guide obeys orders.
- A Guide smiles and sings under all difficulties.
- A Guide is thrifty.
- A Guide is pure in thought, word and deed.
Development of the Movement
Girl Guiding ceased in the Union of Burma in 1962. Although Scouting was abolished by the then government, Girl Guiding was never abolished but Guiding activities stopped around 1962-1963.
In December 2012, approximately 50 years later, the Asia Pacific Regional Committee received an invitation from YMCA Myanmar through the assistance of Girl Scouts of Japan (GSJ), to meet with the Myanmar Ministry of Education officials to discuss on re-starting Girl Guiding and Scouting activities in schools.
Representatives from Myanmar Girl Guides attended the 11th Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Tokyo, Japan in 2013 and Myanmar Girl Guides (MMGG) was awarded with the Certificate of Country Working Towards Membership (CWTM). MMGG became an Associate Member of WAGGGS at the 35th World Conference which took place in Hong Kong in 2014.