Chief Commissioner
'Crescent Moon', Henveru
Phone: +9603317932 | Fax: +9603312701

Number of Girl Guides in 2018
Full Member
Girls only
I promise on my honour that I will do my best: To do my duty, to Allah and country, To help other people at all times, and To obey the (Service) Guide Law.
Maldives Guide Law
- A Guide’s honour is to be trusted.
- A Guide is loyal.
- A Guide’s duty is to be useful and to help others.
- A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide.
- A Guide is courteous.
- A Guide is a friend to animals and respects all living things.
- A Guide obeys orders.
- A Guide sings and smiles under all difficulties.
- A Guide is thrifty.
- A Guide is pure in thought word and deed.
Service Guide Law
- Loyal and trustworthy
- Helpful
- Polite and considerate
- Friendship
- Kindness to living things
- Obedience
- Courage and cheerfulness
- Care of possessions
- Diligence
- Self discipline and control
I promise to do my best: To do my duty to Allah, and country, To help other people every day, especially those at home.
I promise to share and be a friend.
Little Maid Law
- A Little Maid gives in to older folk.
- A Little Maid does not give in to herself.
Development of the Movement
The Guide Movement was introduced to the Maldives in 1962. It was initiated by the Principal of Aminiya School, who was the first Sri Lanka Chief Commissioner in the Sri Lankan Girl Guide Association. The first Guide company was started in Aminiya School, and Guide leaders were from the Maldives, India, Sri Lanka and the UK. The UK programme was followed and the language used was English. Early in 1967, six Guides participated in the Golden Jubilee Camp in Colombo organized by the Sri Lankan Girl Guide Association, but at the time there was no formal structure to the organization.
Guiding was revived when the Under Secretary, Education, and Commissioner of the Association, took over and organized the Movement in 1984. A full-time Commissioner for Training was appointed. The Association was registered, and the Executive Committee formed. In 1984, Guiding was introduced into private schools and there were camps and leadership training on the islands.
The Junior Branch of the Brownies (now Little Maids) was started in 1986. The first Senior Guide Company, the Rangers (now Service Guides) started at the Youth Centre in 1987. In the same year, Leadership training began for the Teacher trainees at the Institute for Teacher Trainees (now Faculty of Education). This programme still continues. The Star programme for five and six year olds started in May 2000.
The National Headquarters of The Maldives Girl Guide Association is housed at the Ministry of Education.