Get involved

Join millions of girls and young women around the world in speaking out on issues like ending violence against girls, climate change and girls’ rights!

Throughout the year there are many exciting opportunities to get involved in global and regional events, feed into global consultations organised by WAGGGS or our partners, and join exciting campaigns. 

The best way to engage with our advocacy work is through our advocacy groups which we will soon bring under one umbrella - our 'Advocacy Network'. These groups give opportunities to young women to learn new skills and confidence to speak out, be the voice of 10 million girls and young women, engage in global advocacy and translate it into their national context. 

Find out more about each of the groups, what they do and how they help to make the world a better place.

UN Teams 

If you live or study in New York or Paris and have Girl Guiding or Girl Scouting experience or an interest in issues that affect girls and young women, you could join a UN Team.

As a WAGGGS representative at the UN, you will:

  • Represent girls and young women at major international UN events
  • Contribute to WAGGGS’ advocacy work with the UN
  • Run events at the UN
  • Create key partnerships with UN agencies

If you’re interested, please contact

Post-2015 Ambassadors 

To provide leadership opportunities for young women and to be able to contribute meaningfully to the Post-2015 development agenda process, WAGGGS has created a pool of Post-2015 Ambassadors – 16 committed young women from 15 countries with an interest in sustainable development and girls’ rights. The Ambassadors play an important role in lobbying for the priorities identified by girls and young women. 

Advocacy Network

We’ve been building a global movement of people who believe that violence against girls and young women is an injustice we’ve stayed silent on for too long and are committed to taking action for change. In 2015 we are relaunching the advocacy network to encompass all of WAGGGS' advocacy work, not only our Stop the Violence campaign, to enable more Girl Guides and Girl Scouts to contribute to our work in all of our priority areas. Find out more.

Advocacy Task Group 

The Task group was set up in 2015 to support the delivery of the vision for advocacy across the Movement. Specifically, the Advocacy Task group is responsible for:

  • Advising and working on developing specific WAGGGS advocacy initiatives 
  • Conducting consultations with their Member Organisations, other WAGGGS members and other networks on advocacy topics and initiatives 
  • Promoting WAGGGS' advocacy initiatives to their Member Organisation, other WAGGGS members and other networks, potentially also acting as a focal point for implementing WAGGGS initiatives

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