International Day of the Girl (IDG) 2024

For International Day of the Girl (IDG) starting this year and moving forward, we will not be producing activity packs as part of our celebration. This decision was taken by the World Board, based upon the feedback gathered from Member Organisations in the 2023 WAGGGS Offer Survey. Reflecting on the amount of time and resource it took to produce the activity packs it was decided that to support a more sustainable WAGGGS this part of our previous offer would no longer be prioritised. Instead, we would focus on creating activity packs for World Thinking Day and mark IDG in a different way!

This year, we are celebrating International Day of the Girl by bringing to a close our 60 Ways in 60 Days campaign that started on International Youth Day. This campaign aims to collect at least 60 examples of meaningful youth participation happening across our Movement where girl guides and girl scouts are taking the lead, making decisions and shaping their own experiences. Check out our #60Waysin60days Campfire dashboard to discover more:

So, in the spirit of 60 Ways in 60 Days we want young people to be able to take the lead in their International Day of the Girl 2024 celebrations! It's their day, their way!

There are many ways young people can shape their activities and events. Here are some ideas:

  • Consultation – Gather ideas from young people about how they want to celebrate IDG 2024.
  • Collaboration – Adults and young people decide together what activities to do.
  • Youth-Led – Young people plan and run IDG 2024 activities, with adult support.

You can also draw inspiration from past WAGGGS resources! You can find the past IDG activity packs highlighted at the bottom of the 60 Ways in 60 Days Campfire Dashboard: please do use them and let us know what you get up to!

Around International Day of the Girl we will invite girl guides and girl scouts around the world to share how girl guiding and girl scouting has empowered them so we can celebrate what we do for girls! We’ll be sharing a link to our Global Empowerment Map, where we encourage you to virtually pin a flag to your location, then share a message to celebrate IDG! It’s up to you what you share, here are some suggestions:

  • As an individual, tell us about a time in Girl Guiding or Girl Scouting that you felt respected as a decision-maker.
  • In your group or patrol, share why you enjoy taking the lead through Girl Guiding or Girl Scouting – you could even write it on a poster and share a photo of it.
  • Shout out to tell us why you believe girls and young women have the power to make the world a better place for us all.
  • Date de publication: 27th septembre 2024
  • Auteur(s): WAGGGS
  • Length: 1 page
  • Type ressource: Activity packs
  • Thème ressource: Youth programmes
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