Girl Guides Association of Saint Lucia
Acting Chief Commissioner
P.O. Box 327
Saint Lucia
Email: |
Tel: +1 758 452 7891

Number of girl guides in 2018
Girls only
I promise that I will do my best: To do my duty to God, To serve the Queen and my country and help other people, and To keep the Guide Law.
Guide Law
- A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
- A Guide is helpful
- A Guide is polite and considerate
- A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
- A Guide is kind to animals and respects all living things
- A Guide is obedient
- A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
- A Guide makes good use of her time
- A Guide takes care of her own possessions and those of other people
- A Guide is self-controlled in all she thinks, says and does
I promise I will do my best: To do my duty to God, To serve the Queen and my country and help other people, and To keep the Brownie Guide Law.
Brownie Guide Law
A Brownie Guide thinks of others before herself and does a good turn every day.
Development of the Movement
The first Guide company in Saint Lucia was started in the capital, Castries, in 1925. In 1926 the Association was registered as a Branch Association of the Guide Association (UK). In 1984, the Association was accepted by WAGGGS as an Associate Member.
During the early years the headquarters moved several times until, in 1931, the Government gave the Association two rooms in the lodge at the botanical gardens in Castries. Building improvements began with a ceremony in 1964 during a visit from the World Chief Guide and work was completed in 1965.
In 1979 Saint Lucia became politically independent and in October 1983 the Guide Association (UK) signed a Deed of Transfer making the Girl Guides Association of Saint Lucia self-governing in all areas of work.