International Commissioner (WAGGGS)
Ulica Janeza Pavla II 13
1000 Slovenia
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Tel: +38614332130 | Fax: +38614300291

Founder Member
Number of members in 2020
Full Member
Girls & Boys
Guide & Scout Promise: On my honour I promise that, with divine help, I will conscientiously strive to serve God and my country, help others and obey the Guide/Scout Law.
Slovenian Guide & Scout Law
- Skavt si šteje v čast, da si pridobi zaupanje
A Guide's/Scout's honor is to be trusted. - Skavt je zvest Bogu in domovini
A Guide/Scout is loyal to God and homeland. - Skavt pomaga bližnjemu in naredi vsak dan vsaj eno dobro delo
A Guide/Scout helps others and does at least one Good Turn every day. - Skavt je prijatelj vsakomur in vsem skavtom in skavtinjam brat
A Guide/Scout is a friend to all, and a sister/brother to every other Scout. - Skavt je plemenit
A Guide/Scout is courteous. - Skavt spoštuje naravo in v njej vidi božje delo
A Guide/Scout respects nature seeing in it the work of God. - Skavt uboga svoje starše in predstojnike ter vestno opravlja svoje dolžnosti
A Guide/Scout obeys her/his parents and her/his superiors and conscientiously performs her/his duties. - Skavt si v težavah žvinga in poje
A Guide/Scout whistles and sings in difficulties. - Skavt je delaven in varčen
A Guide/Scout is hard-working and thrifty. - Skavt je čist v mislih, besedah in dejanjih
A Guide/Scout is clean in thought, word, and deed.
Cub Guide/Scout Promise: I promise that with divine help I will strive to do my very best to become a better person, help others and obey the Pack Law.
Slovenian Cub Guide/Scout Law
- The Cub Guide/Cub Scout is as considerate of others as of herself/ himself.
- The Cub Guide/Cub Scout lives merrily and honestly in the Pack.
Development of the Movement
Scouting in Slovenia began when Slovenia was a part of the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In 1922, Bosnian and Serbian Scouts attended a meeting of ‘Sokoli’ (Falcons) a political and sporting Movement of Yugoslavia and of some other European countries.
Officially, the organisation was founded in October 1922. The Slovene Scout Region was established in early 1923 in Ljubljana. The organisation was part of the Yugoslav organisation, which was a founder member of WAGGGS in 1928 and member of WOSM as well. The first Slovene Scout and Guide Camp was organised during the summer of 1923, in a Slovene alpine resort.
The Scout Organisation was officially dissolved in 1941, due to the occupation regime during the Second World War. Just before the dissolution, there were 1,380 members of the Slovene Scout and Guide Organisation.
However, Slovenian Scouting and Guiding continued: at first in refugee camps, and afterwards in Argentina and Canada where the Slovene refugees found their new homes. The Movement also revived among the Slovene ethnic groups in neighbouring countries: the Slovene Carinthian Scouts (in 1957) in Austria, the Slovene Scouts of Trieste (in 1951 boys and in 1958 girls), and the Slovene Scouts of Gorizia (in 1963 girls and in 1964 boys).
In 1984 Peter Lovšin joined the Scout and Guide Movement and decided to start Scouting and Guiding in the Slovene capital Ljubljana. In 1985 he went to camp with the Scouts of Gorizia and in 1986 he made the Scout Promise as one of them. In the same year, he gathered a group of young people round him in one of the parishes of Ljubljana.
The group was growing, and in the autumn of 1988 moved to another parish of Ljubljana. At St. George’s festival in 1989, 12 boys and girls made the Scout Promise.
With the new school year, four Patrols were established. They enthusiastically lived the Scout and Guide ideal, and the Scout and Guide Movement began to spread all over Slovenia.
On 31 March 1990, the Slovenian Catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association (ZSKSS) was officially founded. The first legal Scout/Guide Promises were made by 29 Girl Guides and Boy Scouts in a suburb of Ljubljana on 20 May, 1990.
The Organisation of ZSKSS
ZSKSS consists of:
a) ‘steg’ (there are 54 local Guide and Scout units in Slovenia)
b) the Guide and Scout Regions
c) the national organisation of ZSKSS (Assembly of the Association, the Executive Committee, the Supervisory Committee, Court of Honour)
Membership has grown from 45 members in 1990 to over 4000 members in 2012