Asociația Ghidelor și Ghizilor din România
International Commissioner WAGGGS
OP 15, CP 60, Sector 1
Website: | Tel: +40213273518
Fax: +40213273518

Number of Girl Guides in 2017
Full Member
Girls & Boys
Promisiunea Ghizilor Promit din tot sufletul să-l slujesc pe Dumnezeu şi ţara, şi să respect legea Ghizilor (*în functie de confesiunea religioasa)
Romanian Guide Law
Legea Ghizilor
- Voi respecta întotdeauna adevărul pentru a fi o persoană de onoare
- Imi voi asuma responsabilităti în comunitatea în care trăiesc
- Voi înfrunta dificultăţile cu optimism
- Voi avea încredere în mine şi îl voi respecta pe ceilalţi
- Îi voi ajuta pe ceilalţi şi voi fi prietena (ul) tuturor
- Voi proteja mereu natura şi viaţa
Girl Guide Law
- I will always respect the truth in order to be an honourable person
- I will take responsibilities in the community I live in
- I will face the difficulties with optimism
- I will be self-confident and respect the others
- I will help the others and be everybody’s friend
- I will protect life and nature
Flower Promise Promit din tot sufletul sa fiu credincioas/a lui Dumnezeu si tarii, sa ajut pe cei din jurul meu si sa respect Legea Florilor.
Romanian Flower Law
O Floare este vesela si ascultatoare, nu se gîndeste numai la ea si îi iubeste pe ceilalti.
A Flower is cheerful and listens well, she doesn’t think only of herself, and loves others.
Development of the Movement
Girl Guiding existed in Romania between 1928 and 1938 but activities then ceased and contact was lost. In 1989, following political change in Romania, and on the initiative of Girl Guiding friends in Greece, a group of friends interested in giving service to the community formed a committee to start Girl Guiding in the country.
The Asociatia Fetelor Ghizi din Romania (The Association of Girl Guides of Romania) was set up in 1990 and became a corporate body on 1 March 1991.
During 1990-1993, representatives of the Greek Girl Guides Association and WAGGGS lent a hand to the newborn Association, offering support in order to introduce them to Girl Guiding, to set up a structure, and to train leaders.
1995 was an important year in the development of Guiding in Romania when the Swiss Guide and Scout Movement (MSdS) and the Romanian Guides Association initiated a partnership project with the aim of helping the Romanian Guide Association to become a full member of WAGGGS by 2005. The main objectives of this project are to update the constitution of the Association; to create a new training scheme; to create and implement a new educational programme; to improve the image of Guiding in Romanian society; and to increase membership.
Since 1998, boys and men have been accepted as members of the Association. The Association has centres in various parts of Romanian including Iasi, Cluj Napoca, Valcea, Timis, Maramures.
Struggling hard with the economic situation and the old mentality, following half a century of totalitarian rule, Guiding is developing little by little in the country.