Associação Guias de Portugal
Avenida Miguel Bombarda
No.128 -R/C- Esq.
P-1000, Lisboa
Email: |
Tel: +351217938227

Number of Girl Guides in 2020
Full Member
Girls only
Promessa da Guia: Prometo sob minha honra e com a ajuda de Deus, fazer o possível por: Cumprir os meus deveres para com Deus e a Pátria, Ajudar o próximo em todas as ocasiões e Obedecer à Lei das Guias.
Portuguese Guide Law
Lei da Guia
- O sentimento de honra da Guia é sagrado, a sua palavra merece toda a confiança.
- A Guia é leal.
- A Guia é útil e pratica diariamente uma boa ação.
- A Guia é amiga de todos e irmã de todas as Guias.
- A Guia é atenciosa e delicada.
- A Guia vê a obra de Deus na natureza e protege as plantas e os animais.
- A Guia é obediente.
- A Guia tem sempre boa disposição de espírito.
- A Guia é económica, amiga do arranjo e da ordem e respeitadora do bem alheio.
- A Guia é pura em pensamentos, palavras e ações.
Guide Law
- A Guide’s honour is sacred, and her word worthy of complete trust
- A Guide is loyal
- A Guide is useful and does a good deed every day
- A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide
- A Guide is kind and courteous
- A Guide sees the hand of God in nature and protects plants and animals
- A Guide is obedient
- A Guide is always cheerful
- A Guide is thrifty, likes good order and respects the property of others
- A Guide is pure in thought, word and deed
Development of the Movement
Guiding in Portugal began in 1920’s decade, when the first companies were started in Oporto. The Movement later spread to Lisbon and in 1931 Brownie packs and Guide units were established on the Island of Madeira.
The Association became a recognised national Movement in 1934, but by 1937 all Guiding activities had been suspended because of political unrest. Only the Island of Madeira was able to keep the flame alive, which helped the Association resume activities in 1954. In 1960, the Association received the Girl Guides World Chief and in 1975, during the 22nd World Conference in England, became an effective member of WAGGGS.