16 Days of Activism - Her Story, Our Story

Share your stories and messages of support

We want to create a safe anonymous space to allow girls and women to use their voice, strength and agency to speak out about their experiences of gender-based violence. We also want to create a space of global solidarity by sharing messages of support for survivors of violence. All messages will be shared anonymously.

Row of people

WAGGGS acknowledges the bravery and courage it takes to share our stories. If you've been affected and need support talk to someone you trust or find local support services in your country using these links:

Global Directory | Africa Region | Asia-Pacific Region | Arab Region | Europe Region

Western Hemisphere, Latin America and Caribbean | Western Hemisphere Region, USA

Row of people

As part of of our 16 days activity for change and solidarity, we invite you to:

  • Share your survivor stories anonymously.


  • Share messages of support, solidarity and light with survivors.

Your messages are posted in this online message board

As we are looking at the global nature of violence against women and girls, IF you feel comfortable in doing so, then please include your country and/or age. In order to ensure anonymity for everyone, please do not share any identifying information in the post, such as your name or contact information.