How would WAGGGS describe a quality girl experience?
The Girl Guide and Girl Scout experience is the sum of what youth members do (the activities), how they do it (the method) and why they do it (the outcomes). As youth members vote with their feet on whether they stay in the movement, it is really essential that our movement is an experiential, authentic, meaningful, holistic development experience that is open to all and youth members can’t wait to be part of!
So, how would WAGGGS describe quality experience?
Relevant, Exciting, Accessible, Learner-Led - REAL
Each part matters and has an effect. Is important to reflect whether in your local group or your national programme which areas you are strong in and which need more work.
R for Relevant
Relevant: exploring topics that matter to young people today in a way that feels relevant to their lives and uses tools they are interested in.
E for Exciting
Exciting: programmes that youth members can't wait to take part in! Activities are innovative, fun, active and challenging.
A for Accessible
Accessible: an inclusive programme, approaches and learning environment where all members feel welcome , valued, safe to express their identity coming from any background and empowered to take part.
L for Learner-Led
Learner-led: use the Girl Guide & Girl Scout method effectively so youth members can take the lead in their learning and have the chance to grow the 21st century skills (communication, collaboration, creativity, character, citizenship and commitment) that our method develops best.