Asociación Nacional de Guías Scouts del Perú
International Commissioner
Calle Zaragoza 131
La Castellana
Surco, Lima 33, Peru
Email: | Website:
Tel: +51 1 2710334

Number of girl guides in 2018
Girls & Boys
I promise on my honour, to do everything possible: To fulfil my duties to God and my country, To help other people at all times, and To obey the Guide Law.
Guide Law
- A Guide is responsible and is to be trusted
- A Guide is loyal
- A Guide is useful
- A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to all other Guides
- A Guide is courteous
- A Guide protects animals and plants and sees in nature the work of God
- A Guide is obedient
- A Guide is courageous and faces difficulties with optimism
- A Guide makes good use of her time and is thrifty; she takes care of her belongings and respects those of others
- A Guide is pure in thought, word and deed
I promise to do everything possible to do my duty to God and my country; to help other people especially those at home.
Fairy Law
- A Little Wing is always alert, she sings and smiles under difficulties
- A Little Wing thinks first of others
Development of the Movement
Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting has existed in Peru since 1916, but it was not until 1945 that the National Association was set up under the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education. With the help of the WAGGGS Travelling Commissioner for the Western Hemisphere, activities were reorganised in 1953 and an autonomous Association was formed which was officially recognised by the Ministry of Education and chartered by Congress.