Türkiye İzcilik Federasyonu

International Commissioner (WAGGGS)
Cinnah Caddesi 62/010

Website: www.tif.org.tr | Email: tifburo@tif.org.tr
Tel: +90 3124415900/01/02 | Fax: +90 3124415903

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Ýzci Andý Tanrýya,vatanýma karþý görevlerimi yerine getireceðime,Ýzcilik Türesine uyacaðýma,baþkalarýna her zaman yardýmda bulunacaðýma,kendimi bedence saðlam,fikirce uyanýk ve ahlakça dürüst tutmak için elimden geleni yapacaðýma þerefim üzerine ant içerim.

Turkish Guide Promise: On my honour, I will try: To do my duty to God and my country, To obey the Girl Guide Law, To help other people at all times, To keep myself physically fit, mentally awake and morally honest.

Turkish Guide Law

Ýzci Türesi

  1. Ýzci, sözünün eridir. Þeref ve haysiyetini her þeyin üstünde tutar
  2. Ýzci, yurduna ,milletine,ailesine ve izci liderlerine sadýktýr
  3. Ýzci, baþkalarýna yardýmcý ve yararlý olur
  4. Ýzci, herkesin arkadaþý ve bütün izcilerin kardeþidir
  5. Ýzci, herkese karþý naziktir
  6. Ýzci, bitki ve hayvanlarý sever ve korur
  7. Ýzci,büyüklerinin sözünü dinler ,küçüklerini sever ve korur
  8. Ýzci,cesurdur,her türlü þartlar altýnda neþeli ve güler yüzlüdür
  9. Ýzci, tutumludur
  10. Ýzci, fikir söz ve hareketlerinde açýk ve dürüsttür.

Girl Guide Law

  1. A Girl Guide’s honour is to be trusted
  2. A Girl Guide is loyal to her country, her parents and her leaders
  3. A Girl Guide’s duty is to be useful and to help others
  4. A Girl Guide is a friend to all and sister to all other Guides
  5. A Girl Guide is courteous
  6. A Girl Guide is a friend to animals and plants
  7. A Girl Guide obeys orders of her elders and loves and helps those who are younger than herself
  8. A Girl Guide is brave. She smiles under all difficulties
  9. A Girl Guide is thrifty
  10. A Girl Guide is clean in thought, word and deed.

Yýldýz Ýzci Andý Tanrýya,vatanýma karþý vazifelerimi yerine getireceðime,Yýldýz Ýzci Türesine uyacaðýma,baþkalarýna her zaman yardýmda bulunacaðýma,kendimi bedence saðlam,fikirce uyanýk ve ahlakça dürüst tutmak için elimden geleni yapacaðýma þerefim üzerine ant içerim.

Turkish Star Promise: On my honour, I will try: To do my duty to God and my country, To obey the Brownie Law, To help other people at all times, To keep myself physically fit, mentally awake and morally honest.

Turkish Brownie Law

  1. Yýldýz Ýzci Türesi
  2. Yýldýz Ýzci ,Ýzcinin izinden gider ve her gün bir iyilik yapar
  3. Yýldýz Ýzci çalýþkandýr,iþinde býkkýnlýk ve bezginlik göstermez
  4. Yýldýz Ýzci Parolasý
  5. Yýldýz Ýzci çok çalýþýr

Star Law

A Brownie lives like a Guide and does a good turn every day. A Star is industrious and never shows boredom or laziness.

Development of the Movement

Scouting started in 1912 and latest research shows that there were Girl Guides units in Turkey as early as 1912. After the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923, Girl Guiding spread to several schools over the country. In 1936, the Directorate of Scouting and Guiding was founded. This Directorate acted as the central governing body for both Guides and Scouts.

In 1968 the Association became a joint association, and in 1991, the joint association turned into a Federation: the Scouting and Girl Guiding Federation of Turkey.

In the Federation women and men have equal voting rights and a balanced representation.

There are girl only units and some mixed units in the Association depending on the interests and needs of the young people. No matter what type of unit, the needs and development of girls and young women, and the spirit and fundamental principles of Girl Guiding are emphasized.

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