Malta Girl Guides Association (MGGA)

International Commissioner
49 Capuchins Street

Tel: +35699922888

  • Number of Girls Icon


    Number of Girl Guides in 2020

  • Full/Associate Member Icon


    Full Member

  • Girls Only Icon

    Girls only


Weghda l-Inwieghed li naghmel mill-ahjar: li naghmel id-dmir tieghi lejn Alla; l-inservi lill Pajjizi, u nghin lill-proxmu tieghi; li nzomm il-Ligi tal-Girl Guides.

Maltese Guide/Ranger Promise: I promise that I will do my best: To do my duty to God, To serve my country and help other people, To keep the Guide Law.

Maltese Guide Law


  1. Il-Girl Guide hija lejali u ta’ min jafdha
  2. Il-Girl Guide tghin lil kulhadd
  3. Il-Girl Guide taf iggib ruha u tqis kulma taghmel
  4. Il-Girl Guide hija habiba u l-oht ta’kulhadd
  5. Il-Girl Guide hija hanina ma l-annimali u tirrispetta l-hlejjaq kollha
  6. Il-Girl Guide tobdi
  7. Il-Girl Guide hija kuragguza u tibqa ferhana f’kull saram
  8. Il-Girl Guide thaddem sewwa il-hin taghha
  9. Il-Girl Guide tiehu hsieb l-affarijiet taghha u ta haddiehor
  10. Il-Girl Guide taf tikkontrolla ruhha f’kull ma tahseb, tghid u taghmel.

Girl Guide /Ranger Guide Law

  1. A Guide is loyal and can be trusted
  2. A Guide is helpful
  3. A Guide is polite and considerate
  4. A Guide is friendly and a sister to all Guides
  5. A Guide is kind to animals and respects all living things
  6. A Guide is obedient
  7. A Guide has courage and is cheerful in all difficulties
  8. A Guide makes good use of her time
  9. A Guide takes care of her possessions and those of other people
  10. A Guide is self-controlled in all she thinks, says or does.

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