Association des Guides du Rwanda
National Centre
Tel: +250 781 464 493
Number of Girl Guides in 2017
Full Member
Girls only
On my honour and with God’s help, I promise: To do my best, To serve God and my country, To help others at all times, and To keep the Guide Law.
Rwanda Guide Law
- A Guide keeps her word
- A Guide is loyal
- A Guide makes herself useful and helps others
- A Guide is a friend to all and a sister to every other Guide
- A Guide is polite
- A Guide loves and respects nature
- A Guide obeys joyfully and does nothing by halves
- A Guide is courageous and good tempered
- A Guide is thrifty and respects other people’s belongings
- A Guide is unaffected and pure
I promise to be faithful to God, to my parents, to the Law of the Pack, and to do a good turn every day.
Rwanda Wagtail Law
- The Wagtail listens to the fully fledged birds
- The Wagtail does not pay too much attention to herself
Development of the Movement
Guiding in Rwanda began in 1962 with the help of members of the Guides Catholiques de Belgique, but, through lack of support from local leaders, interest in the Movement dwindled after independence later that year. In 1967 Guiding was revived as a branch of the Scout Association.
The Girl Guides set up their own organisation, the Fédération des Guides du Rwanda, in 1972, with a national team responsible for administration. The Federation was composed of two Associations, the Association des Guides Catholiques and the Association des Guides Protestantes.
A proposal was made in 1974 to form a single Association, and this idea was accepted two years later by the first National Assembly. In 1977 the Constitution was accepted at a general meeting, a permanent national team was appointed, and a work plan was drawn up. The Association des Guides du Rwanda received official government recognition in 1980.