Thanks to the support of Friends of Asia Pacific, Member Organisations of Asia Pacific Region get to apply for two projects grant every year!
Project 3L
Project 3L that aims to provide opportunities for Member Organisations to hone quality Girl Experience by implementing well-designed projects that focus on leadership and governance, opportunities for growth, safe space for girls, and a wider world impact.
Each year, up to six projects can receive the grant under Project 3L and the maximum amount of grant per project is GBP 2,000.
Application deadline: 30 June, 2019
Project 3L Guidelines
Project 3L Application Form
Project Reach Out
Project Reach Out responds to the call of Asia Pacific Member Organisations (AP MOs) to share skills and knowledge that match the needs of other AP MOs.
Projects must involve an exchange programme between two or more MOs in the AP Region that is:
- In-line with the WAGGGS Educational Method
- Strengthens the quality of Girl Guiding/Girl Scouting experience
- Imparts leadership practice in at least one or all of the MOs involved
Each year, up to three projects can receive the grant under Project Reach Out and the maximum amount of grant per project is GBP 3,000.
Application deadline: 30 June, 2019
Project Reach Out Guidelines
Project Reach Out Application Form