Stop the Violence

Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world are taking action to Stop the Violence

  • An estimated 50 per cent of sexual assaults are committed against girls under 16
  • Every year, 15 million girls are married before their 18th birthday
  • An adolescent girl dies every 10 minutes as a direct result of violence
  • Violence is the second leading cause of death among adolescent girls globally
  • Global estimates published by WHO indicate that about 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime
  • Globally, as many as 38% of murders of women are committed by a male intimate partner.
SDG Global Goal icon 5

Violence against girls and women globally

Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development provide a critical timeframe for action to end violence against women and girls and achieve gender equality you can learn more here. These goals will form a critical part of the global effort to end violence against girls and women

Girls and women live with the daily reality of violence. The time for action is now!

'STOP THE VIOLENCE' is the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts global flagship campaign to end violence against girls and women. Since launching in 2011, Girl Guides and Girl Scouts around the world have been tackling violence against women and girls in their communities through advocacy, education, awareness raising, community action and research.

  • Malaysia protest
  • Unicef Malaysia meeting
  • Malaysia STV training

Malaysia: From education to Action #NoBridesUnderI8

Since 2015 the Malaysian Girl Guides Association has been delivering the Voices against Violence curriculum in schools, communities and amongst girls and boys. In 2018, following the widely publicised marriage of an 11 year old girl to a 41 years old man, the Malaysian Girl Guides launched their #NoBridesUnder18 campaign calling for an end to all child marriage in Malaysia. Read more about their campaign here. Since the launch of #NoBridesUnder18 UNICEF has partnered with the Malaysia Girl Guides Association as they demand a country where no girl is subject to violence.

Chile 16 days group

Chile: #OurStreetsToo

Asociacion de Guias y Scouts de Chile have been delivering the Voices against Violence curriculum to boys and girls across Chile for the past three years. Having received training from WAGGGS on girl led advocacy to end violence against women and girls they took to the streets of Santiago during 16 Days of Activism to call for laws on street harassment that protect girls and hold perpetrators accountable.Read more about about their action here

nigeria stv protest

Nigeria Girl Guides Association #EndChildSexualAbuse

The Nigerian Girl Guides Association launched a campaign in 2018 calling for an end to child sexual abuse. They are now campaigning from state to state for domestication of laws that protect girls from being violated and punish perpetrators of crimes against children.

STV Facilitators group

Stop the Violence Facilitators Pool #ACTIVATE

In June 2019 we brought together a global pool of experienced Stop the Violence Facilitators to support us in re-designing the Stop the Violence #ACTIVATE training. Learning from the experiences of our 20 Facilitators from 16 countries we have developed an even more exciting and engaging #ACTIVATE training designed to support girls and young women as they LEARN, CONNECT and ADVOCATE for change. To enquire about training email us at

  • stv speech
  • stv speech asia
  • stv veronica

At national regional and international conferences Girl Guides and Girl Scouts are speaking out about their experiences and lobbying decision makers. They are calling for laws and policies that protect girls and women and demanding perpetrators be prosecuted for their actions.

stv impact map WAGGGS


Download tips on how you can take action and campaign to end violence against girls and women.

Download our 16 Ways in 16 Days poster for ideas on actions you can take at personal, local and national levels to end violence against girls and women.

Download a quick overview of the Stop the The Violence campaign and its impact.

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