Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten (LGS)

Guides and Scouts Luxembourg

C/O 5, Rue Munchen-Tesch
L-2173 Luxembourg

Website: www.lgs.lu
Email: ic.wagggs@lgs.lu
Tel: +352269484

Founder member

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    Number of Girl Guides in 2017

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Je promets de prendre mes responsabilités vis-à-vis de moi-même, de mes semblables et de l’Environnement, de développer ma spiritualité personnelle et de vivre selon la Loi guide et scoute.

Luxembourg Guide/Scout Promise: I promise to to take responsibility for myself my fellow human beings and the environment, to develop my personal spirituality and to live by the Guide and Scout Law.

Luxembourg Guide Law

Guide/Scout Gesetz

  1. As zouverlässeg
  2. As éierlech a fair
  3. As bereet ze hëllefen
  4. As gut zu all Mënsch
  5. Mécht den éischte Schrëtt a setzt sech a fir Gerechtegkeet
  6. Respektéiert d‘Liewen an all sénge Formen
  7. Kann nolauschteren a Kritik erdroën
  8. Huet eng positiv Liewesastellung
  9. Ka sech organiséieren a mécht näischt hallef
  10. Hält sech kierperlech a geeschteg gesond

Guide/Scout Law (English)

A Guide/Scout

  1. Is conscientious
  2. Is honest and correct
  3. Is ready to render service
  4. Is generous to everyone
  5. Takes the first step and supports justice
  6. Respects life in all its forms
  7. Is able to listen and to bear criticism
  8. Has an optimistic outlook on life
  9. Is able to organise her/himself and does nothing half-heartedly
  10. Takes care of her/his physical and moral health

Development of the Movement

Guiding started in Luxembourg in 1915 and the following year the many different troops in the country were united in one Association. The Association des Girl Guides Luxembourgeoises was established in 1921 and was one of the founder members of WAGGGS in 1928. The Letzeburger Guiden (Catholic Luxembourg Girl Guides) was founded in 1938 by the Director of the Action Catholique Féminine Luxembourgeoise.

In 1958 the two Associations were linked by the formation of The Bureau de Liaison des Associations Guides du Luxembourg. In 1960 the WAGGGS World Conference recognized the Bureau de Liaison des Associations Guides du Luxembourg as the National Organization of Luxembourg.

In 1994 the Luxembourhish Girl guides and Luxembourgish Scouts merged into a coeducational association known as the Lëtzebuerger Guide a Scouten (Luxembourgish Guides and Scouts).

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