Association Nationale des Guides de Centrafrique

Secrétaire Générale Adjointe
Secrétariat Général
B.P.855 , Centre Jean Xxiii
République Centrafricaine

Email: | Tel: + 236 21 61 22 78

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On my honour, with the grace of God, I promise to do my best to serve: God, the Church and my country, to help others in all circumstances and to keep the Guide Law.

Central African Republic Guide Promise

Central African Republic Guide Law

  1. A Guide has integrity and keeps her word
  2. A Guide thinks first of others
  3. A Guide is willing to help others and be useful to all
  4. A Guide is sister to Guides of all races; she has team spirit
  5. A Guide is welcoming, she is there for all
  6. A Guide respects Nature; she learns about God’s work
  7. A Guide knows how to obey
  8. A Guide smiles in her endeavours; she does nothing by halves
  9. A Guide loves her work and knows how to use her money
  10. A Guide is pure; her way is straight in the joy of God

I promise to do my best to be faithful to God, my country, my parents and the Law of the Pack, and to do a good turn to someone every day and to bring joy to the home.

Central African Republic Brownie Promise

Central African Republic Brownie Law

  1. A Brownie is always clean
  2. A Brownie is always active
  3. A Brownie is always cheerful
  4. A Brownie always tells the truth
  5. A Brownie thinks first of others

Development of the Movement

Guiding in the Central African Republic began in 1952, and by the following year both Guide companies and Brownie packs had been established in the country. In 1955 a combined Guide and Brownie camp was organized, and during the next two years Guiding spread to many rural areas.

In 1959, Les Guides Centrafricaines was formally registered, and by 1963 membership in the Association had risen to 1,600, and the first African National Commissioner was elected. In 1979, the Association changed its name to the Association des Guides et Eclaireuses Centrafricaines.

For several years no news was heard of Guiding in the Central African Republic, but in 1991 members combined their efforts to set up a new national team and to bring new life to the Movement. The Federation originally had two components but only the Association des Guides Catholiques Centrafricaines is functioning at the time of writing.

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