Growing Girls Growing Members is part of the Growing girls and young women to lead the future Europe project .

In April 2015, volunteers selected for the new Core Groups and for mentoring and Gender Equality, Men and Boys project teams gathered in Brussels for a lively training and briefing session.

Briefing and training on the Region and its diversity, the Regional Membership Development Strategy and its implications for the work of the Region, representing the Region, WAGGGS policies, approaches and specific training for mentors, all got creative juices flowing. Participants also contributed to initial discussions on the development of a Volunteering Policy, which will be developed over the coming months. In the second half of the meeting, volunteers worked on specific projects and assignments in the areas of mentoring, training and advocacy/communication.

At the end of the meeting volunteers described their feelings of: inclusion, engagement, enlightenment, inspiration and have begun their work with the Region on the following assignments:

  • Gender Equality and Men planning team
  • Education Working Group membership, European Youth Forum
  • Participation in European Youth event
  • Panel speaker on gender in European Youth event 
  • Academy planning team 

This event together with "Working with men and boys on gender equality", is part of the Growing girls and young women to lead the future Europe that is funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.

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