Association Nationale des Guides d'Haïti

B.P. 1401

Email: | Tel: +509 3759 3583

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On my honour and with the grace of God, I undertake to do my best to serve God, the Church, my Country, to help other people in all circumstances and to observe the Guide Law.

Haiti Guide Promise

Guide Law

  1. A Guide is loyal
  2. A Guide thinks first of others
  3. A Guide is generous; she is prepared to help
  4. A Guide is welcoming; she has team spirit
  5. A Guide, sister to every other Guide, is at the service of all
  6. A Guide learns about nature in which she sees God’s work
  7. A Guide knows how to obey
  8. A Guide does not fear endeavour; she does nothing by halves
  9. A Guide likes her work and respects that of others
  10. A Guide is self-controlled; she is pure and cheerful

I promise to do my best: To be faithful to God, my country, my parents, to the Law of the Pack, and To do a good turn to someone every day.

Brownie Guide Promise

Brownie Guide Law

  1. A Brownie is always clean
  2. A Brownie is always active
  3. A Brownie is always cheerful
  4. A Brownie always tells the truth
  5. A Brownie thinks first of others

Development of the Movement

Guiding in Haiti started with a group of pupils and former pupils of a girls schools, Ste Thérèse de l’Enfant Jésus, directed by Mme Carmen René Durocher. These pupils established a club offering out-of-school activities. One of the girls, impressed by her brother’s Scouting activities, asked to incorporate these activities into the club.

Mme Durocher contacted the Scout representatives, the religious order in charge and then WAGGGS which eventually led to the establishment of Guiding in Haiti in October 1942. Later on, boarders at St Rose of Lima School became interested in Scouting methods and formed the second Girl Guide group. Guiding spread through the country and Lady Baden-Powell visited Haiti in March 1951.

In 1990, an intermediate branch between the Guides and the Guides Aînées was introduced on a trial basis as the Guides Relais.

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