Association des Scouts et Guides du Congo

Commissaire Générale
Paroisse Notre Dame de l’Assomption (Centre ville)
B.P. 839

Email: | Tel: +(242) 663 12 24 / +(242) 533 96 47

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On my honour, with the grace of God, I promise to do my best: To serve God, the Church and my country, To help others at all times, and To obey the Guide Law

Congo Guide Promise

Congo Guide Law

  1. A Guide is loyal
  2. A Guide puts others before herself
  3. A Guide is generous; she is ready to serve
  4. A Guide is friendly and has team spirit
  5. A Guide, sister to all other Guides, is helpful to all
  6. A Guide discovers nature and sees in it the work of God
  7. A Guide is obedient
  8. A Guide does not fear hard work. She does not do things by halves
  9. A Guide likes her work and respects the work of others
  10. A Guide has self-control, she is pure and jolly

Development of the Movement

Scouting was introduced to Congo in 1927 by a French missionary of the Spiritains Fathers, a Catholic priest, called Father Le Baye. Between 1927 and 1960, as in all French-speaking African countries, Guiding evolved as an extension of Les Guides de France.

When the country became independent in 1960, l’Association des Guides du Congo was created, led by Congolese who had been trained by Les Guides de France.

As the Republic of Congo had opted for a Marxist/Leninist political system, in 1963 the Government banned Scout and Guide Movements in the country, creating one youth movement called ‘Les Pionniers et Pionnières de la Révolution’ (Pioneers of the Revolution).

In 1991, with the arrival of democracy, Guiding was relaunched after a 27-year break. Through the impetus given by former Scouts, Guides, Eclaireuses and Eclaireurs leaders, the former Catholic Scout and Guide leaders formed a joint organisation, officially recognised in 1992.

WAGGGS, being concerned with the development of Girl Guiding in the country, sent several representatives to assist in the relaunching of the Movement, to organise a formal structure and train leaders, and to develop its Constitution and Bye-laws.

Les Guides du Congo forms a joint organisation with Les Scouts du Congo. The General Assembly, the highest body of the Association, meets every three years, and is chaired by the President. The National Council, which meets once a year, is the executive body of the General Assembly and is also chaired by the President.

The Chief Commissioner is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Association. As a joint organisation, the Association is represented at all levels of the structure. The headquarters are located in the parish of Notre-Dame de l’Assomption in Brazzaville.

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